One Albania supports Tirana Marathon biggest community sports event of the city


Once again, the Tirana Marathon captivated the capital with a display of competition, determination, and community spirit. With the general support of One Albania as the main sponsor, this year's marathon inspired participants to go beyond their personal bests. This call for breaking personal records resonated with the runners, who pushed their boundaries and achieved new scores on each category.

“It is truly amazing to see this vibe, passion, and unity personally. Congratulations to the winners and to all participants too, because at the end of the day, sport is not a competition, but a lifestyle choice and enrichment of our everyday well-being.” - said Brano Djurović, CEO of One Albania stated after the Marathon price awarding. He also emphasized that: “One Albania will continue supporting this festivity of sports and community, by always Going Beyond Personal Best and pushing the boundaries for quality and performance.”


The international allure of the Tirana Marathon was once again evident as participants from 4iG Group and One Montenegro joined their forces with One Albania team in this beloved race through the Albanian capital, forming a group of 50 professionals running in all categories.


Jam i kënaqur që One Albania ishte sponsori kryesor i Maratonës së Tiranës. Ne kemi zgjedhur të përshkojmë maratonën e plotë, jo vetëm në vrapim, por edhe në biznes. 4iG Group është e angazhuar për këtë rrugë në Shqipëri.”- tha Gergely Schütz, Drejtor i Komunikimeve Ndërkombëtare të Grupit 4iG, gjatë ceremonisë së Maratonës.

“I am delighted One Albania was the main sponsor of Tirana Marathon. We chose the long course not only in running, but also in business. 4iG Group is committed to this track in Albania.” -  said Gergely Schütz, Head of International Communications of 4iG Group during the ceremonies of Marathon.

Brano Djurović, the CEO of ONE Albania with Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana presented the first prize to Ezekiel Kipkori from Kenya, who completed in an impressive 2 hours and 18 minutes the whole marathon where participated more than 4.700 participants from 47 different countries. 

Tirana Marathon is a great reminder that as our daily routines might seem fast, we should always find time for sports as they help us to further improve the quality of our lives and health.