One Albania network covers Llogara’s Tunnel, uninterrupted voice and data communication throughout the segment


As travelers crossed the longest tunnel in Albania today, they remained connected to the highest quality and most modern network in the country, thanks to the coverage technology implemented for the first time in Albania.

The opening ceremony of Llogara’s tunnel near Vlora marks a very important moment for the development of infrastructure in Albania. The investment will reduce travel time from Dukat to Palasa from 30 minutes to just 7 minutes, adding convenience and efficiency along this segment.

One Albania proudly witnessed today another aspect of progress, the superiority of the mobile network, ready for 5 G technology.

Tunnels often present challenges for telecommunication networks, but One Albania's mobile network, certified as the best in Albania by Omnitele, ensures uninterrupted connectivity throughout Llogara’s tunnel segment, with the coverage technology implemented for the first time in Albania.

"We are very happy that in the wake of our commitment to promote and support the development of tourism in Albania, today through a unique infrastructure implemented for the first time in Albania by One Albania, we managed to provide uninterrupted voice and data coverage, in such a work as the tunnel. We will continue to allocate the same solutions for covering and providing connections in new axes and tunnels throughout the country." -said Ilir Duka, Chief of the Technology Group at One Albania.

This quality of service is the realized commitment of the largest telecommunication company to provide the best service, throughout the country.

The network of One Albania enjoys superiority, coping with difficult conditions or terrains and offering stable and fast connections.

As you continue to travel through Llogara’s tunnel, you can stay connected to share your experiences in real time and surf the Internet, thanks to the powerful coverage of One Albania's modern network, which offers it all in one for you.