
The Hungarian Company, 4iG Group, engages in a strategic investment partnership regarding the newest intercontinental data gateway in Europe, with a subsea line.

The Hungarian 4iG Group, the owner company of One Albania, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy regarding the commitment to a strategic transcontinental cable system project between Egypt and Albania. This new route changes the map of interconnection in several continents, placing Albania in a strategic and advantageous position.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the CEO of 4iG Group, Mr. Péter Fekete and the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Mrs. Enkelejda Muçaj.

"By entering into this strategic partnership, 4iG Group and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy of Albania are taking an important step towards empowering further the Albania's digital revolution and technology development, positioning the country as a regional hub for digital connectivity. " – said the CEO of 4iG Group, Péter Fekete, during the signing ceremony. Mr. Fekete reinforced 4iG Group's commitment to the implementation of the Mediterranean subsea cable project, using technology from reliable "clean grid" suppliers.

The Deputy Prime Minister, at the same time Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Mrs. Belinda Balluku, said that this project ranks Albania higher in the realm of digitization, boosts the economy and creates efficient resources.

"This is an innovative project that will turn Albania into an international connecting node. Fiber optic cable networks are now global communication highways of strategic importance for countries and future developments. Today we are signing this agreement of understanding with 4iG Group for the construction of a communication line, which will connect Albania with Egypt. This project turns into a supporting pillar of the national strategy for the integration and development of Albania for EU membership, as one of the main priorities of this strategy," she concluded.

The head of the Albanian government, Mr. Edi Rama, said that this project will be a milestone leading to Albania 2030.

"The company that currently owns and administers ONE Albania, today comes as a partner of the government to build this first intercontinental connection of Albania that will become a key point for the fast and safe transport of data, through an optical fiber connecting Albania and Egypt, enabling our country to guarantee access to this new digital highway of the Mediterranean, for a number of Central European countries. This is project is welcomed as it significantly increases the confidence of the enterprise as a whole, a confidence that grows year after year and that finds expression in this case through the 4iG company that chose Albania as a point of reference for this very ambitious project".

The Mediterranean submarine cable route will be quite unique, adding diversity to the conventional Mediterranean routes connecting Egypt with Italy and France. It will capture a significant share of the large and rapidly growing data traffic market between Asia, East Africa and Europe. The system will provide the shortest route to Frankfurt, as well as other important international traffic destinations in Eastern and Central Europe and the Balkans, such as Sofia, Vienna and Budapest.

Today's commitment remains an important historical moment towards the vision of 4iG company, the investor of One Albania, in the sphere of the digitization of Albania, benefitting the Albanian economy and its citizens.