COVID-19: UNDP joins forces with Telekom to provide health information to Albanian public


Tirana, April 2nd – UNDP Albania and Telekom Albania announced the launch of a partnership in support of the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic: “Spread the Word, not the Virus” Campaign.

The Campaign features a web portal where citizens can get accurate information about the disease, how individuals can prevent it, quick tips for social distancing to stop the pandemic’s spread, resources for users to reduce the spread of rumors, battle misinformation and have access to credible health sources. Visit it at

As the situation progresses, this portal will continuously update the information and the sources that citizens can turn to in need of help. Sessions with a doctor that answers to questions from the audience are available in the same channel of communication. Access to all these options is free for everyone.

“There is an information gap about Corona Virus in Albania. Critical to preventing and mitigating the effects of COVID-19, is reliably communicating essential information to the public. Partnership with private sector can play a vital role in minimizing the likelihood of transmission and impact on society. In this context we are pleased to partner with Telekom Albania, to spread the word and educate the public about this disease. UNDP will rely on information provided by our sister agencies the WHO and UNDP – says Limya Eltayeb, UNDP Resident Representative in Albania.”

Emil Georgakiev, CEO of Telekom Albania, states that “Telekom Albania has made possible for its employees to work from home, while at the same time maintaining the best network quality and offering the same services to the public. We are happy to partner with UNDP and make our technical resources available so that the Albanian people get accurate information about COVID-19. In this unprecedented situation, it is imperative that we all do our part in the overall efforts to successfully bring back normality”.


About Telekom Albania

Telekom Albania is cooperating with world class providers for its digital transformation program and modernization of the company’s core and radio networks. This commitment, coupled with the human expertise guarantee the path of Telekom Albania towards a leading company in the sector.

Telekom Albania is committed to technology innovations bringing excellent products and services on the market, embracing in the same time any project that will make Albanian citizen’s live better.


About UNDP

UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results.

UNDP Albania’s  work is clustered around mutually interlinked four programme areas: Social Inclusion, Democratic Governance and Rule of LawEnvironmental and Climate ChangeEconomic Growth and Employment.